Semantic DevBlog: Introduction

Semantic DevBlog is a series a blog posts where I aim to document everything related to ideation, design and development of semanteecore.

Mainly, it would be useful for me to write things down when I think, and, maybe this will become a somewhat usable “hacking” documentation. In case there are other people who find release automation sexy, of course ;)

What is semanteecore?


semanteecore builds on ideas implemented in semantic-release (from node.js ecosystem), and extends them.
Implementation-wise semanteecore is a successor of semantic-rs, an automated crate-publishing tool, originally authored by schultyy and badboy (thanks a lot!).

For me this project is a reflection of what I personally see as the main part of a perfect release flow: easy to use and almost fully automated. It’s time consuming to do versioning, changelogs and releases manually as is, and, as project gets bigger, and grows a few sub crates… You get the idea.

And even though every component of semanteecore can be expressed in just plain CI configuration file, maintaining those scripts across multiple repositories gets old really fast.

Basically, semanteecore an automated toolbox, that speeds up both release process and bootstrapping of new repositories, which at the same time provides a few nice tools like commit-aware changelog generation out of the box, all in a single binary (or docker container).

Since the original implementation (semantic-rs), a few changes were made:


  • Improved and more context-rich spanned logger
  • Upload assets for GitHub Releases page
  • Support for major-zero versions (thanks, mandrean)
  • Configuration through releaserc.toml file, akin to semantic-release
  • .env support
  • Early Exit if new version is the same as previous (based on semantic commits)
  • Docker plugin for building and publishing images to Dockerhub (very alpha, subject to change)
  • Support of Draft and Pre-release GitHub release types
  • Integration Testing (only for dry phase for now)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix crash if the repo is new and had no releases before

Internal Changes

  • Proof-of-Concept Plugin system


  • Transition to Rust 2018

Goals and non-goals of the project

semanteecore, as a set of goals, has a moving scope, which is bad, but I didn’t realise how complex a versatile CI tool can become when I started the project. So don’t be surprised if this list looks completely different in half a year ;)      Though I will really try to limit the scope to “releases stuff” only, if it won’t ruin user experience.

Nevertheless, here it goes:


  • Automated semver versioning via semantic-commits or other custom conventions (e.g. YouTrack tasks and their categories) 
  • Multi-platform preparation, checking and publishing of a release
  • Rich and easy to use plugin system, that provides deterministic communication layer between plugins. That allows to combine plugins and build pipelines of them, through a shared key-value storage.
  • Native mono-repository support (e.g. Cargo Workspace)


  • Anything related to deployment, though post-release notification stage is a supported use case for plugins, and that could be used to send an event to your deployment system.

Thank you for reading!

This is the first blog post in a series. Stay tuned!

Written on December 24, 2019